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Connected to the World


Have you ever heard phrases like "stand on the shoulders of giants"? We can point to so many stories of how people from Appalachia Ohio have and continue to change the world. So many got their start here. Some stayed; some moved to other locations. One is not "better" than the other or "more important" than the other. Just because you moved out of your parents' home when you turned 18, does that make that home, what you learned there, and its impact on your life any less important? Just because your parent(s) stayed, it doesn't make them "less than" you.

Let's take a quick look at a historical figure and a modern figure and how they've connected Appalachia Ohio to the world. First, did you know Edward Creighton was born on a farm close to what is now known as Temperanceville, Belmont County, Ohio? Edward went on to help connect the transcontintal telegraph and become a very successful businessman in Omaha, Nebraska. The money he left his wife was used upon her death two years after his own to found what is today known as Creighton University.

If you want to learn more about Edward, check out sites like this or this.

A modern day connection of Appalachia Ohio to the world, literally, is through John Marmie. John grew up outside of Beallsville, Ohio and, after college, ened up working for NASA. John was the deputy project manager for the NASA's LCROSS mission to find water on the moon. Ok, so maybe he connects Appalachia Ohio out of this world! One thing I love about reading articles about John is that he always talks about growing up in the Ohio Valley and the Appalachia foothills.

To learn more about John, be sure to check out articles like this or this.

Both of these men demonstrate the pioneer spirit and determination from their early years in Appalachia Ohio. They proved that we can Create Our Future!

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