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Our Projects.

Below is a sample of our recent projects.

Project 1. Entrepreneur & Business Assistance.


We partner with the Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) of Belmont County to help people start businesses and help existing businesses.  The CIC is a 501c4 non-profit and does not receive support from the county.  Through our grants, fundraising, and ability to cross county lines, we provide this valuable resource to help build our businesses.  Instead of duplicating their efforts, we support them and supplement what they can do.   


In the first two months of 2022, together we have already helped over 25 businesses and organizations in Appalachian Ohio.  That help consists of guiding them through required paperwork, setting up new systems, connecting them to possible resources including experts and funding, helping with expansion plans, and more!  Sometimes an hour of our time is all they need, but for some, we have spent over 10 hours providing confidential assistance.  If each of those businesses employed only 1 person, that would be 25 jobs and families affected! Then think of the local businesses they contract with: accountants, janitorial services, lawn-mowing, marketing gurus, banks, and other professional services... it's a huge ripple effect!

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Project 2. Bellaire Business Alliance Committee.

The Bellaire Business Alliance committee consists of Bellaire business owners and non-profit leaders who meet monthly to build a new Bellaire.  These business owners partner on events, group purchases, and grants.  


This group started as a result of the Bellaire Vision Plan.  For more information on that project, led locally by the Community Improvement Corporation, check out the CIC page here.

Image by Ahmed Zayan
Project 3.  PD.

Coming soon!  
Project 3.  Minnow Tank

A cool project and chance to teach kids about business and needs of their community.  2022 was our inaugural year.  We look forward to growing it in 2023! 
To see more info about 2022, click here.
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Project 4.  Ohio Valley Trail Committee.

In January 2023, the Ohio Valley Trail Association, a decade-old volunteer group, voted to join Create Our Future as a committee in order to expand opportunities.  The group meets monthly in St Clairsville.  They have designed and installed signs along Belmont County backroads for cyclists looking for gravel cycling adventures in beautiful Belmont County.  The county engineer, township trustees, and cyclists are consulted in making the routes. 

For more information or to contact the committee, check out their Facebook page. Scan our QR code to connect to Ride with GPS and check out our map.
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